

PPC - Pay Per Click

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Pay Per Click

PPC Stands for pay-per-click, an internet marketing module in which advertisement of products & services is done online on platforms like Google. Pay-per-click ads are run to promote products & services or sell them organically. It allows the advertiser to bid for the placement of ads in a search engine when some search for the sponsored keyword. The advertiser or the publisher needs to pay a certain amount to the search engine when its ads are clicked.

PPC comes with huge benefits like providing quality traffic to your website. Increase the sale margin of your business & give high conversation leads. Google ads are the single most popular advertising system in the world which deliver effective results by using proper match types like the exact, phrase, broad, and modified broad.

We in EXSITEMENT Run Pay Per Click Ads that give you appropriate traffic & high conversation lead. Your PPC Campaign is built with keyword research as Keywords decide how effective your ads are gonna be. By using proper match type & checking the quality score of ads we run ads for suitable output.

Type Of Brochure & Flyer Designing

Businesses which advertise search ads (Text Ads) are charged when someone clicks on ads. It's basically text ads that are displayed on SERPs like Google and its display partners. This ad after the click is redirected to the relevant web page of your website or landing page.
Display ads are an effective type of Google ads that relate to video ads, Image ads this ad are shown on the search engine Google & its partner website. These ads are placed on the third‑party website in the form of banners & images. In display, the amount for the ads is deducted when ads are clicked.
Social media ads are one of the most popular ads that appear on all social media platforms' feeds, story, reels, etc. It's a paid advertisement when the amount is charged when someone clicks ads. It's a great way to connect with social media users. This involves Facebook ads Instagram Ads, Linked Ads, Youtube Ads,etc.

Features of Pay Per Click


PPC provides you the opportunity to increase website traffic by displaying your ads in front of users when they search for the related product & services. Your Ads get displayed when some search for relevant keywords & then take them to a web page when someone clicks on it.


PPC ads not only give brand awareness but also helps to increase sales margin.PPC is a one of the known advertisement platforms, where you can control your bid and cost per click factor as it enables you to analyze your performance in real‑time.

Pay for

Another cost‑saving method that makes PPC most preferable is its bid strategy. Google ads is known for its strategy as you can be optimized and have control on how much you want to spend. In PPC ads, businesses run ads and are only charged when someone clicks on the sponsored ads.

Analyze Ad Performance

Google ads have allowed its audience to notonly launch business Ads but also analyze its performance. You can Optimize your Ads its ads group. You can review & refine ads keywords, bid strategy. These all features can allow you to analyze ads in real time and make changes accordingly

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