


Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing or SMM is a form of internet marketing that involves getting engaged with your audience by using social media platforms. Social media provide companies and brands to engage with the existing customers & make new customers by using the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and many more. In today’s time consumers rush to browse to know about a company and its product and services but basically engage with its social media platforms too help them to know all activities and new updates & events.

Building your presence on social media also gives your brand a long‑term benefit. Optimizing and setting the proper social media platform may give you two‑way interaction with your essential customer & makes you understand the requirement of your customers and also let you exchange the views and ideas with the personal communication medium( Social media)

Social media has also classified itself in SMO (Social Media Optimization) and SMM(Social Media Marketing).SMO basically refers to the Freeway to get engage with your essential customers with includes blog, daily Interaction by post & and active action on social media platforms and the SMM refers to paid advertising method by running Ads campaigns on various platform. Both these promotion ways impact getting the maximum number of conversions and keeping your customer satisfied with your product & services.

EXSITEMENT being the top Social Media Agency in Navi Mumbai we try to achieve your business goals by increasing your brand awareness, customer engagement and creating a brand identity in the market by using all the social media platforms. We try to track your audience by the paid promotion by running an ads campaign. Keeping all the social media strategies in mind our expert team works on social media to reach your business goals.

Type Of Social Media Marketing

Social Networking is the use of internet‑ based social media platforms to stay connected with the public, professional entity. This social media includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. This process helps for the brand recognition of the business.
Microblogging is a small blog which allows sharing or exchanging small blogs, stories or information to a large audience. Unlike traditional blogs having huge content, microblogging is basically a small content blog, video or image which is drafted to convey information. Eg ‑ Tumblr & Twitter
Photo sharing comes under the social media umbrella. This basically includes posting & sharing of Image on social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest. This Post sharing gives brand awareness & maintains brand Consistency in customer minds

Features of Social Media Marketing

Open To

Social media plays an influential role in society in positive ways. It lets people know your business with informative & interesting video, audio & image content. It gives a better way to engage with the audience.

Target Ads Compaigns

Social Media Ads campaign comes with the paid version of promotion to your businesses that includes Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Youtube Ads & Probably Google ads. These Ads share business feeds, Images, Text ads to their target audience customer


By Understanding your relevant audience you can grab the eyeballs of your genuine audience to your business. Advertisement in social media creates an open service platform where customers can avail the information of the product & service offered. This regular presence on social media helps in building brand reputation.


Regular posting on social media platforms allows you to interact with the client. A proper consistency between client and business helps the client to know about the business. Social media consistency in the business allows the business to be uniform with its customer

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