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Millions of people search about their requirements on Google on a daily basis. This user probably finds the top companies to fulfill their requirements. This ranking position is decided by the way the business performs SEO(Search engine optimization) on the search engine.SEO is the practice of optimizing a website or webpage on various search engines to increase the quantity & quality of its traffic on the search result page. The better visibility you have on the search result page the more you’re gonna make valuable customers.

Search engines like Google & Bing use bots to crawl pages on the web, from site to site. Collecting information about the pages for indexing them, by following the algorithms factor, is how indexing of your business on a search engine is scaled. SEO takes time to show its result but its benefits can drive the presence of the business in the marketplace. Like, Taking your business globally and presenting yourself to a new audience. It builds trust in the market by your top-ranking position on the search result page.

Performing SEO Looks easy but is a Huge concept, that requires patience as it has classified itself in 3 factors i.e On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO & Technical SEO. Each type has its own value & importance in Performing SEO.

EXSITEMENT being the SEO Service Agency in Navi Mumbai understands all the norms of SEO. Our team optimizes & Audits the error of your website & tries to fix it with all strategies that are required to perform your brand SEO. We do well with identifying the right keywords research, creating high-quality content & dealing with all the technical sections.

Type Of SEO.

On-Page SEO is a strategy to optimize every single page of your website to improve its ranking on search engines like Google. It relates to optimizing web page content, headlines, title, description, image, etc.

Off-Page SEO refers to work that you do outside of your website to Increase its domain authority & ranking factors on Google SERPs. It includes building an external link or backlinks from a trusted site. These external links or backlinks play a vital role in ranking on SERPs.

Technical SEO is largely letting google bots crawl, interpret, index all your web pages. This includes mobile friendly websites, SSL, XML sitemaps, canonical tag and many other factors that help your web page to rank on SERPs and identified by Google.

Benefits of SEO.

Long Term Market Strategy

SEO implementation gives a business long‑term benefits. If it's executed effectively it shows it results in somewhere around 6 to 12 months. Unless Google launches its algorithms or competitors work on their strategy, it is not easy to pull you down from SERPs ranking.

Build Brand Credibility

If your business is ranked on top SERPS pages that indicate that Google search bots or spiders consider you as the useful or genuine source of information. This ranking position works as an asset for your business as it helps to build brand credibility & trust.

Build User Experience

Google is constantly monitoring your site behavior which includes the time users spend on the website, its bounce rate, etc. which decide the user experience of your web page. Working on SEO by following algorithms will automatically increase your user experience

Increase Ranking Position & Click

SEO is basically a concept to follow Google algorithms that are initially designed according to customer perceptions. SEO helps you to rank on the 1st page of Google SERPs that give your business a potential click of audience.

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